Dashboard Confessional Vinyl Records

Dashboard Confessional Vinyl Records
Buy New & Used Dashboard Confessional Vinyl LPs
If you want to sing along with your favorite guilty-pleasure pop punk emo music, Dashboard Confessional is “Hands Down” the best choice for you.
Born out of Boca Raton, Florida in the early 2000s, Dashboard Confessional will bring you back to your angsty teenage years, “Screaming Infidelities” to make sure that all of your old feelings are “Vindicated.”
Frontman Chris Carrabba impressed the world so much with his emotive songwriting that after Dashboard’s second album, they were already being asked to perform on MTV Unplugged. You may recognize them from A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, [or] A Scar that reminds you of something you forgot on the road long ago.
If you can remember your teenage years, or if you’re one of those people that actually liked them, then our Dashboard Confessional records “Belong” in your collection. I am right, I swear I’m right.
More than Just Dashboard Confessional Records for Sale
If you’re going to let them slip away, you can come back for another Confession another day. In the meantime, Binaural Records has got you covered with all the angsty music your heart desires from Alanis Morissette, Violent Femmes, and more.